

Kaufman County ESD 6 Referendum:
Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Kaufman County Emergency Services District #6 provide fire and emergency services to our area? 
Kaufman County ESD #6 is an independent governmental entity – managed by five members of a Board of Commissioners who serve two year terms and are appointed by the County Commissioners. EDS #6 contracts with the Forney Fire Department to handle fire response services, as well as critical response for automotive accidents, critical incidents on ranches, and other emergencies. ESD #6 also works with the Forney 911 system to provide quick response during medical emergencies.

When was the Kaufman County Emergency Services District #6 formed?
Kaufman County ESD #6 was approved in 2001 by voters of the unincorporated areas outside of Forney and is funded by property taxes, the same way city residents pay for their emergency services. Prior to the formation of EDS #6, the families living in the rural areas of Kaufman County were served by a small, volunteer fire department. 

The District has a called a referendum election for November 2020. What will the referendum do, if approved by voters?
The referendum, if approved by voters, will provide the funds ESD #6 needs to maintain and improve our current level of fire and emergency services provided to our residents through our successful partnership with the Forney Fire Department.

What research was conducted by the Kaufman County ESD #6 Board of Commissioners to develop the referendum?
Our Board of Commissioners worked with professional firefighters and emergency service personnel to study the differences in maintaining our relationship with the Forney Fire Department versus reverting back to a volunteer fire department or developing our own fire department from scratch. After much deliberation, it was determined that continuing our contracting agreement with the Forney Fire Department was in the best interest of public safety. 

Who can vote in this election?
All registered voters who live in Kaufman County ESD #6. Please click HERE for a map of the district.

What is going to be the tax impact of the Kaufman County ESD #6 referendum?
If approved by voters, ESD #6’s maximum property tax rate will increase by seven cents, putting us at the same rate as most other emergency service districts in Kaufman County. This will allow us to continue contracting with the Forney Fire Department and 911 services at the same level for emergency response during a fire, medical crises, automotive crashes, critical incidents on ranches, and other emergencies.

Should voters approve the referendum, does Kaufman County ESD #6 have procedures to make sure our tax dollars are spent efficiently?
Yes. The Board of Commissioners will work closely with the Forney Fire Department to make sure all fire and medical emergency services are provided in an efficient manner, while making sure all parts of our service area continue to receive quality services. 

Who do we contact if we want more information about the referendum?
Please contact us at Kaufman County ESD #6 Commissioners will do their best to accommodate all questions and concerns.